I was thinking the other day about the posts that people send that say If you love Jesus, post this to your profile or become a fan of God or I'm a Christian. This takes about a 3 secs to do, yet we don't take 2secs to live it. Saying you love God or that you believe in Jesus means nothing if you aren't willing to live it. I don't mean that you have to stand in the middle of the mall screaming "God Loves You" or quote scripture left and right to your friends.... It means that God is the number one person in your life, above your spouse, your family and your friends. That before you turn the dial on the radio you make sure that it's ok that He is listening too, that the places you go, He would go. When spending time with friends is not spent talking about others, but encouraging them instead. Simple life changing moments can be a loud voice among the everyday hustle and bustle that you are living for God, and through these actions He will shine through your life. So when you click the fan sites for God or add that post, take more then 3 secs... let it take a lifetime.
John 5:31-47
John 5:31-47
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