Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Today is Dr. Seuss' birthday and to honor him we have *Read Across America. We all know Dr. Seuss, he is famous for books such as Green Eggs & Ham, Hop on Pop and Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? So I have a question. As a teacher I understand the importance of a child's education, but how much greater should our knowledge of the the Lord be? If I was to name books of the Bible, would you or I be able to name the authors of Exodus, Numbers or Romans? We can sit for hours and read our books for book club or look at our magazines, but how long do we sit and read the Bible 10, 15 minutes? Maybe at that. It is so easy to pick up something that we enjoy reading, something we want to read.... shouldn't it be that way with the Bible? I am at fault for this too, I can sit for an hour and read a book, but it is hard for me to read more then 15mins. of the Bible. Is our reading time a reflection on how much we love our Lord?, Yes!
It's the same way in a marriage or any relationship, if you care about the person you want to read and listen to what they have to say. Can you imagine if your loved one went off to war or away for long time, and they wrote you everyday, but you never opened the letters to see what they wrote. You just looked at the envelope and placed it with the others. When they returned home, they ask if you received their letters, you smile with excitement and point to the letters on the side table covered with dust. How do you think that would make them feel- unloved and unappreciated. In the same way that is the way we treat Jesus when we just look over a verse or what not instead of picking up His love letters and reading them with excitement.
So as we read to our children this week and the weeks to come, add a story from the Bible in that reading time. Encourage them to spent time with Jesus reading His love letters.

*NEA's Read Across America Day, NEA's national reading celebration takes place each year on or near March 2, the birthday of Dr. Seuss. Across the country, thousands of schools, libraries, and community centers participate by bringing together kids, teens, and books, and you can too!

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